[CM] building cm3.4.0 from source on Tiger 10.4.11

Sean Reed sr at seanreed.ie
Sat Feb 13 07:39:54 PST 2010

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

On 13 Feb 2010, at 15:25, Heinrich Taube wrote:

> i think you will have problems with some math functions in 10.4
bummer about the math functions.
i'm aware that still using 10.4 is going to catch up with me at some  
point soon, but i'm in the middle of a couple projects and don't dare  
to change my "running system".

> is there some reason that you are not using the juce_amalgamated that
> i have in the source tree? its has many bug fixes after his official
> 1.50 zipped release.
trying to compile in accordance with the cm/readme instructions by using

premake --verbose --target gnu --sndlib  ../sndlib

results in this error:

==== Building juce ====
mkdir -p obj/juce/Release
g++ -MMD -D "MACOSX" -I "src"  -O2 -x objective-c++ -w -o obj/juce/ 
Release/juce_amalgamated.o -c src/juce_amalgamated.cpp
src/juce_amalgamated.cpp:122:6: error: #error "To build with 10.4  
compatibility, use a 10.5 or 10.6 SDK and set the deployment target  
to 10.4"

That's what made me think I should rebuild juce with Xcode, so I  
could specify the deployment target as 10.4.



> On Feb 13, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Sean Reed wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to build cm3.4.0 from source on MacOs Tiger 10.4.11 on an
>> intel machine.
>> I feel like I'm getting frustratingly close, but am a couple of
>> steps out of my depth.
>> As far as I can tell, the issue *may* be somehow related to  
>> complex.h.
>> My two scenarios:
>> A)
>> I configure sndlib using CC=g++ and make it.
>> I build juce-1.50 using Xcode 2.5, with target deployment to 10.4
>> universal.
>> I premake cm3.4.0 using --target gnu --sndlib ../sndlib and passing
>> it the --juce ../../juce-1.50 option
>> When I make this, it exits with this error:
>> In file included from src/juce.h:1,
>>                 from src/Scanner.h:16,
>>                 from src/Scanner.cpp:21:
>> src/juce_amalgamated.h:156:6: error: #error "To build with 10.4
>> compatibility, use a 10.5 or 10.6 SDK and set the deployment target
>> to 10.4"
>> make[1]: *** [obj/cm/Release/Scanner.o] Error 1
>> make: *** [cm] Error 2
>> Since I know I've built juce with a 10.4 deployment, and the file
>> referred to in the error was src/juce, I thought it looks like the --
>> juce option in the premake (v3.5 installed from MacPorts) wasn't
>> working properly.
>> So I changed the #include in cm/src/juce.h to point my juce
>> directory such: #include "../../juce-1.50/juce_amalgamated.h"
>> Make again, and now it compiles for quite a while until it exits
>> with this error:
>> /usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: Undefined symbols:
>> _gsl_complex_arccos_real
>> _gsl_complex_arccosh_real
>> _gsl_complex_cos
>> _gsl_complex_cosh
>> _gsl_complex_div
>> _gsl_complex_mul_real
>> _gsl_complex_sin
>> _gsl_sf_bessel_I0_e
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> make[1]: *** [bin/cm] Error 1
>> make: *** [cm] Error 2
>> Scenario B)
>> I configure sndlib using the default CC (i686-apple-darwin8-
>> gcc-4.0.1) and make it
>> I unpack the cm sources afresh.
>> I modify the cm/src/juce.h as above
>> I premake as above
>> Upon make it compiles for a while again but then exits with this
>> error:
>> In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.0.0/backward/complex.h:31,
>>                 from ../sndlib/clm.h:13,
>>                 from src/SndLib.cpp:16:
>> /usr/include/c++/4.0.0/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning:
>> #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated
>> header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section
>> of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X>
>> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <iostream> instead
>> of the deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -
>> Wno-deprecated.
>> ../sndlib/clm.h:137: error: expected constructor, destructor, or
>> type conversion before 'double'
>> make[1]: *** [obj/cm/Release/SndLib.o] Error 1
>> make: *** [cm] Error 2
>> Any clues?
>> Anybody else successfully built cm3.4.0 on Tiger?
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
>> -------------------------
>> Sean Reed
>> Dublin
>> sr at seanreed.ie
>> www.seanreed.ie
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