[CM] Fwd: Can't load external scripts
Henrik Frisk
frisk.h at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 04:45:00 PST 2010
[I forgot to cc the list...]
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Bill Schottstaedt <bil at ccrma.stanford.edu>wrote:
> > ;io-error open-input-file: can't open extensions.scm,
> /usr/lib64/snd/scheme/ws.scm[5]
> ws.scm loads extensions.scm, perhaps unnecessarily. You need
> to add extensions.scm's path to *load-path*:
> (set! *load-path* (cons "/usr/lib64/snd/scheme" *load-path*))
Thanks that did it. I thought it had something to do with the path but I
couldn't find the right variable to set...
Now everything works as expected when I launch Snd from the command line.
When I launch it from emacs, however, there is a permissions issue:
;mus-error ("can't write test.snd: Permission denied"), line 6
; (set! *output* (make-sample->file output-1 channels data-format
header-type comment))
; ["ws.scm", line 161]
I have inf-snd-working-directory and inf-snd-index-path set to writeable
directories in my home folder.
Perhaps s7 or Snd should do this automatically?
> FWIW, on my install the load-path was set to ("/usr/lib/snd/scheme" "/"
"/usr/share/snd") by default.
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