[CM] Can't load external scripts

Henrik Frisk frisk.h at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 03:56:49 PST 2010


I haven't been using Snd for some time so please forgive me if I'm missing
something obvious. I'm using Snd 11.3 on a MacBook Pro running FC11

If I'm trying to load ws.scm by typing (load "/usr/lib64/snd/scheme/ws.scm")
I get:

;io-error open-input-file: can't open extensions.scm,

Same if I try to load it from the command line: $snd -l

If I try to load bird.scm:

(load "/usr/lib64/snd/scheme/bird.scm")

I get:

;definstrument: unbound variable, /usr/lib64/snd/scheme/bird.scm[34]

Any help is appreciated.

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