[CM] fomus at lilypond

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Feb 18 06:19:49 PST 2010

Hello Johannes, im not sure what you mean by "the example page in the  
new grace-app is empty". when i boot the app i see:

	Help>Examples>Sal>Fomus Examples

both these examples work when I select them.

you can get at some additional Fomus examples on  my class page:


If you mean't to say that the Audio>Fomus  menu isnt working then that  
means you dont have Fomus installed. you can download a binary of  
Fomus here:


On Feb 18, 2010, at 2:29 AM, jschmidt wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> I am working on a project for accordion and I'd like to create some  
> scores with FOMUS. I defined a lot of processes in Grace for midi- 
> output for simulation and I am OK with this. So now I am looking for  
> some examples for FOMUS in your Grace-App, but I couldnt find any  
> (the example-page in the new grace-app is empty...). Do you have a  
> little documantation how I can get started with this? I would like  
> to use lilypond, because I worked with this before.
> Thanks in advance
> Best,
> Johannes
> -- 
> *Johannes Schmidt *
> Heckstr. 28
> 45239 Essen
> Germany
> 	*telefon*
> +49-176-23510445 +49-201-49550164
> 	*mail*
> jschmidt{at}folkwang-hochschule{dot}de blaumilch{at}gmx{dot}ch
> 	*internet*
> jschmidt.tryek.de <http://jschmidt.tryek.de> www.tryek.de <http://www.tryek.de 
> > 	*skype*
> inthemoodforjo

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