[CM] Grace MIDI import / multiple message types

Bret Battey BBattey at dmu.ac.uk
Thu Aug 26 04:34:14 PDT 2010

>> i think maybe what ill should do is allow specs like
>>	((time key) (time clt1 ctl2) ...)

Yes -- I think that would work. The trick seems to be returning a list that allows one to tell the different message types apart. So, in this example, we might get something like (?):

  ((0.0 60) ())   ;; a note at time 0
  ((1.2 62) ())   ;; a note at time 1.2
  (() (1.5 1 64))  ;; controller 1, value 64, at time 1.5
  ((1.8 64) (1.8 1 68))   ;; note at time 1.8, controller at time 1.8  
                          ;; (or one could have two distinct entries for each event)

This format could also be helpful because one could order the spec based on the time-priority logic one needs. That is, if I have events simultaneous in time but logic-wise need to process (say) controller values 1st, I would just place the controller first in the spec.

It is interesting that the Grace MIDI file import can import the meta messages. Does that mean there is an undocumented keyword already that allows one to import meta messages via midifile-import? ('meta' doesn't do it ;)

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