[CM] cm 3.6.0 beta 3

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Apr 25 12:39:50 PDT 2010

binaires of beta 3 are available:


Windows (no osc):

fedora.zip      (built at ccrma)

new in this beta:

I. Editor fixes/additions:
     Right-Click pops up an in line Edit menu
     Command-D  (symbol documentation lookup) working again (C-h in  
emacs mode)
     new menu items: Options>Font Size>Larger ,   Options>Font  
Size>Smaller , Edit>Delete,
     c-m-k  (emacs kill-expr-forward) now copies kill to clipboard
II.  rewritten CM manual (cm.html) reflects all the 3.6.0 changes and  
updates entries.
III.  new Help>GUI> submenu for reading documentation on Editor,  
Console, Plotter (only the editor doc is really complete)
IV. sal2 is now the default sal version, so if you want to use sal1 do  
    1 use .sal1 as file extension
    2 add a customization comment  at the top of the file that  
specifies sal1, eg:
      ;;; -*- syntax: sal1 *-*

one problem i still havent resolved is why my emacs Meta commands and  
parens balancing don't work in the latest juce.

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