[CM] Chorale Composer 1.0

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Oct 4 12:15:22 PDT 2009

Chorale Composer 1.0 is available for download, here is the homepage  
where you can download the app and also read about it.


in a nutshell: Chorale Composer is a juce appt that lets university  
students practice music theory with automatic feedback . it also lets  
teachers generate homework, keys, and pratice templates. You can  
download example student templates from the Courses section on the  
homepage, there is also a demo teacher template (xml) you can download  
as well.

Chorale Composer is also great app to use to learn about the Bach  
Chorales! Almost all of them are there, if you just double click the  
app without any exercise the app opens the bach chorale book.

its important to understand that the app is analyzing music on the  
fly,  that is , when you are looking at a choral, for example, the  
theory line and non-harmonic tone identification is computed and  
displayed in real time (try dragging notes around to see). the  
analysis is blindingly fast, it will do the entire bach chorales in  
under 3 seconds.  If you want to see "annotations" that the app can  
add to the music you can turn them on in the View menu, then hover  
your mouse over the labels to read more.

this is release 1.0 so there are sure to be bugs. that said, we have  
worked very hard to make 1.0 pedagogically useful, with a clean,  
minimalist GUI that we hope people will find visually pleasing and fun  
to work with.  hopefully the app is self-documenting (assuming you  
understand music theory); you can use the Help menu to read  
explanations of various features and also send us feedback


Rick Taube
Andrew Burnson
Rachel Mitchell

School of Music
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61821

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