[CM] cm running in juce 1.50

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 27 08:21:51 PST 2009

svn tip is now upgraded to use the latest version of juce_amalgamated  
from his 'git tip' so that I dont get too far behind his development.   
in addition to bug fixes the new juce contains alot of nice additions  
(many of which are not fully implemted):  jack support on linux, a  
real CodeEditor class, juce-in-a-browser , and -- on the mac -- a port  
to cocoa and juce-on-an-iphone (!)

ive ifdef'ed the mods I had to make so its easy enough to switch cm  
back to the stable 1.48 juce_amalgamated if things dont work out  
right, i think it would be something like:

	svn merge -c -1792  src/juce_amalgamated.*

i just saved a new beta binary of cm 3.4  for mac that uses the new  
juce version, the only thing i have to still figure out is how to  
install a custom font (you get the default one for now) :


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