[CM] Common Music feature request: OSC support...

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 13 06:25:27 PST 2009

> I was hoping you would consider adding OSC support for Common Music.
> [...]
> I hope you will consider this request. I think it would greatly expand
> Common Musics capabilities and interoperability with other audio
> software environments.

hi, thanks for the message -- im aware of oscpack and having osc port  
has been on my todo list. it wouldn't be much work to link to oscpack  
and provide a port, the real issue is what the scheme api would look  
like.  todd ingalls had a common lisp api a few years ago maybe i  
could just dust that off. anyway ill take a look at this for the next  

im going to remove support for Chicken Scheme unless anyone clucks  
about this decision in the next few days. ive been pleasantly  
surprised at how well s7 is standing up to realtime processing

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