[CM] windows beta

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed May 13 17:03:43 PDT 2009

ive made that windows snapshot of the current cm + sndlib and placed  
it on pinhead. it contains all three apps (cm, Grace and GraceCL)


since its svn trunk you can expect problems especially since this is  
the first build that is 100% Visual Studio and i may not have found  
all the compiler issues in sndlib's source code. i am able to generate  
a sound file using 'wave' and 'fm-violin'. I will depend on people  
trying the three apps and (hopfully) helping me fix them as problems  
are found. bil will be encorporating the vs2005 files that andrew  
burson and i developed into the sndlib tarball so at some point  soon  
you can download sndlib and build it in visual studio.

to build cm in vs2005 you do

premake --verbose --target vs2005 --sndlib sndlib

then double click the cm.vcproj file. maybe i should start shipping  
vs2005 and xcode projects for cm with the sources...

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