[CM] [newbie] Is CLM the right tool for me?

R. Bastian rbastian at free.fr
Sun May 10 02:24:53 PDT 2009

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 11:36:35 -0500
Heinrich Taube <taube at uiuc.edu> scribit:

> > Could you give me an
> > example of how you would get such a combination with the scheme-piano
> > instrument? (say for instance: a long C while a short D occur then a
> > short rest then a short E, and then both the initial C and the E  
> > finish
> > together). What if another instrument (say a violin) plays at the same
> > time? Is it possible?
> Here is an example of what you want. but the piano seems really slow  
> to me, on my machine this 3 second example takes 28 seconds to compute!

No matter: time is not an aesthetic criterion. 

> (load "piano.scm")
> (load "v.scm")
> (with-sound ()
>    (fm-violin 0 3 (hz 'ef6) .2 :gliss-env '(0 0 .25 0 1 1) :glissando- 
> amount .5)
>    (p 1 :duration 2 :keyNum (key 'c4))
>    (p 2 :duration .25 :keyNum (key 'd6))
>    (p 2.666 :duration .333 :keyNum (key 'e2))
>    )


At 2006 I installed a very small room dedicated to algorithmic music. The equipment is not
so bad:

(+ CambridgeAudio player, Benchmark converter, FlyingMole amplifiers). I hoped that some
composers of algorithmic music would be interested, but there seems that algorithmic music
does exist only at school level. So I organize concerts with "musique concrète" (Michel Chion, ...)
or "landscape music" (Albert Mayr, ...). This month, videos with Michael Bach (Cellist)
and next month Finnish instrumental music (R. Moingeon, V. Lhermet). later will follow
german experimental music with Stefan Wunderlich & Hans Rudolf Zeller and early
german electonic music with Josef Anton Riedl.

Some composers pretend they compose 'algorithmic music' (AM) - but they use MIDI and similar
industrial means. 

I compose in Python since 2003: it is a language I understand (I thought & think I am too old to
begin with CLM - nevertheless I am happy to use CMN).

I would be glad to organize concerts with true AM - compiling 'in situ' (Lisp, C, etc).
Any interest ?

René Bastian
rbastian at free.fr


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