[CM] Notes from the Metalevel text

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri May 8 04:36:34 PDT 2009

> Can CM3 and Scheme be run from Emacs, on MS or Linux?
> Or only in its own GUI exe and internal text editor.

yes. when you build from sources you get a console app 'bin/ 
cm' (sndlib/cm3) that you can use in a terminal or as a scheme process  
under emacs. the readme.text explains how to use emacs.
you can build cm sources on windows under mingw/msys, you dont need to  
install juce
i have an experimental version that builds sndlib and cm using the  
native microsoft compiler but i havent had time to test it or send it  
to bil.

On May 8, 2009, at 12:40 AM, Adam wrote:
> On Friday 08 May 2009 03:59 am, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>>> windows, so is my home computer, that's why I'd like to get the
>>> windows
>>> version working.  Thanks
>> ill try to make a windows beta this weekend and ill post a message
>> when i have it.  your file loding issue may be a windows \\   
>> directory
>> delimiter problem that i fixed several weeks ago.
>>> I noticed you're also working on a ruby version, that would be more
>>> attractive syntactically.
>> CM has no ruby, thats SND.  So im not sure what system you are
>> referring to.
>> I teach my algorithmic composition courses using SAL , which is
>> bascially an infix scheme supported in grace. it only takes my intro
>> class about 2 weeks to become 'programmers' using sal. the grace
>> editor supports both scheme and sal syntax. if you use Emacs you can
>> use sal.el  to give you 'sal buffer' syntax. look in Grace's
>> Help>Tutorial  submenu to teach yourself
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