[CM] CM Clisp 2.46 Cygwin shell start and bat file Vista 32

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Mar 20 07:54:40 PDT 2009

> When I type cm at the cygwin-bash prompt, the .fasls are loaded and  
> the CM logo appears, but then the shell returns to the normal bash  
> prompt.

hi try starting clisp first, then loading cm2/src/cm.lisp  into it. if  
that  works write a script that does that. Im soory I cant help with  
the windows/emacs/cygwin shell stuff anymore. its very frustrating  
trying to deal with all the randomness, and its why ive attempted to  
move away from it and provide systems that I have a better chance of  
i do have Grace + cm3 that works on windows, it doesnt need  
installing, its scorefile and realtime schediing and ports and midi  
and clm and csound and it has an emacs editor with synax highlighting.
i do have GraceCL + cm2 that works on windows, you should be able to  
start clisp in it

if these systems dont work then tell me what the problem is and i have  
a reasonable chance of fixing it. if there is something that these  
systems lack tell me and ill add it.
but i simply dont have the time or energy anymore to figure out all  
the weird things that happen in windows + common lisp environments, im  

On Mar 20, 2009, at 9:07 AM, Sean Reed wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question concerning CM 2.10 on Vista32 with Cygwin and  
> Clisp2.46.
> Would anyone have a hint on getting CM to load and start from cygwin- 
> bash (and xemacs M-x prompt) by just typing "cm" on the above system?
> At the moment it loads all the fasls but exits back to the normal  
> bash prompt for me.
> Background:
> I installed Clisp2.46 through the Cygwin.setup installer.
> I have created a symbolic link to cm.sh in the /bin directory.
> When I type cm at the cygwin-bash prompt, the .fasls are loaded and  
> the CM logo appears, but then the shell returns to the normal bash  
> prompt.
> I discovered from reading through the archives that the cm.bat file  
> may be necessary for this to work.
> However, no cm.bat file is generated in /usr/local/lisp/cm/bin/ when  
> I start clisp from the cygwin-bash and (load "/path/to/cm.lisp")
> This also means that setq-ing the cm-program to the cm.bat file in  
> the .xemacs/init.el is not possible.
> When I start clisp from the cygwin-bash shell (or xemacs-slime),  
> then (load "/usr/local/lisp/cm/src/cm.lisp") everything functions  
> fine; however, when at the cygwin-bash prompt I type
> cm -l clisp
> or
> clisp -x "(load \"/usr/local/lisp/cm/src/cm.lisp\")"
> the same thing happens as I described above: all the .fasls are  
> loaded, the logo appears, and the shell returns to the normal bash  
> prompt.
> I am setting up CM for a teaching situation.
> Although I can get it to work by loading everything separately  
> (either through xemacs-slime or bash-shell clisp then load cm.lisp),  
> an environment where the students can just type "cm" would be much  
> easier on their command-line-challenged brains.
> Thanks for any assistance,
> Sean
> -------------------------
> Sean Reed
> Dublin
> sr at seanreed.ie
> www.seanreed.ie
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