[CM] [ANN] Sound and Music Computing Conference

Christopher McClelland c.mcclelland at qub.ac.uk
Sat Mar 14 11:02:20 PDT 2009

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Call for Participation

Sound and Music Computing Conference, 23-25 July 2009
Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal

SMC is a privileged forum in Europe for the promotion of international
exchanges around Sound and Music Computing topics. SMC 2009 will
feature papers, posters, music works, tutorials and special sessions.

= Important dates:
. Paper, Music and Tutorials submission deadline: Friday 17 April 2009
. [LATE DEADLINE] Deadline for participation to special sessions:
Monday 8 June 2009

Sound and Music Computing is an interdisciplinary field that
approaches the whole sound and music communication chain from a
multidisciplinary point of view.
By combining scientific, technological and artistic methodologies it
aims at understanding, modeling and generating sound and music through
computational approaches. Its core academic subjects relate to
musicology, physics (acoustics), engineering (including computer
science, signal processing and electronics),
psychology (including psychoacoustics, experimental psychology and
neurosciences) and music composition.

Topics will include:
. Automatic music generation/accompaniment systems
. Computer environments for sound/music processing/composition
. Networked music generation
. Physical modeling for sound generation
. Sound/music signal processing algorithms
. Digital Audio Effects
. Musical sound source separation and recognition
. Automatic music transcription
. Music information retrieval
. Musical pattern recognition/modeling
. Music and robotics
. Computational musicology
. Sonic interaction design
. 3D sound/music
. Data sonification
. Visualization of sound/music data
. Interfaces for music creation and fruition
. Interactive performance systems
. Musical performance modeling
. Gesture controlled audio systems
. Sound/music perception and cognition
. Sound/music and Neuroscience
. Music and emotions
. Multimodality in sound and music computing
. Web 2.0 and music
. Mobile music
. Technologies for the preservation, access and modelling of musical  

All accepted papers and posters will be published in the conference
Proceedings, which will account for an ISBN. Furthermore, a special
issue of the Computer Music Journal will be devoted to articles based
on selected items from the conference. Not only will the best
conference papers be considered for publication
in extended form in the Journal, but also posters, tutorials, and
reports of special sessions.

= Note on Special Sessions:
SMC 2009 will feature special sessions on "hot" topics relevant to
Sound and Music Computing research, where a special focus will be put
on interaction between participants and the audience (members of the
scientific and music communities, and the general public at large).
There are, for now, 2 special sessions, on "Sonic Interaction Design"
and "Music Visualization".
(Stay tuned for announces of more special sessions in the upcoming  

= Note on Tutorials:
The day prior to the conference (22 July 2009) will consist of
tutorials, focusing on a single topic presented either at an
introductory level or in depth, lasting about 3 hours (including a
You are welcome to propose tutorial along the guidelines detailed on

= Stay tuned:
. RSS feed: http://smc2009.smcnetwork.org/news/news/RSS
. Facebook group: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=42958077160
. Twitter: http://twitter.com/smc2009

= Want to help us promote SMC 2009?
. Follow and promote SMC 2009 on facebook and twitter
. Have a quick look here: http://smc2009.smcnetwork.org/promote-us


Chris McClelland
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Queens University Belfast
Tel: 02890974445
Email: c.mcclelland at qub.ac.uk

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