[CM] midifile import

Orm Finnendahl o.finnendahl at mh-freiburg.de
Wed Mar 18 04:32:41 PDT 2009


 using the midifile functions of cm2 to import a file exported from
the Muse Sequencer I ran into the following problems:

1. The time signature Meta event has length 2, which throws an error
   (bytes 3 and 4 are simply left out).

2. NoteOffs are coded as NoteOns with velocity 0.

Rosegarden can deal with these things so I'm unsure whether Muse
exports are valid or not (even if I couldn't find anything about 2
byte time signatures anywhere). As the changes are considerably small
I wanted to let you know and would vote for being less strict about
the time signature format and reinterpreting the NoteOn/Velocity 0
into NoteOff Messages (as this is common practice in communication
between devices anyway).

Below are the respective outputs of the MIDI Track Data (in Hex) of
the same sequence in both forms to see the difference.


BTW: I also left a message on muse-devel (hope that doesn't start
flames ;-)

with NoteOff as NoteOn/Velocity0:

;dtime noteon      pitch  velo
00      90           1B    7F
83 00                1B    00 
00                   2B    7F 
00                   28    7F 
83 00                2B    00 
00                   28    00
00                   36    7F 
00                   34    7F 
83 00                36    00 
00                   34    00 

with NoteOff explicitely:

;dtime note-on/off pitch velo
00      90           1B   7F 
83 00   80           1B   7F 
00      90           2B   7F 
00                   28   7F 
83 00   80           2B   7F 
00                   28   7F 
00      90           36   7F 
00                   34   7F 
83 00   80           36   7F 
00                   34   7F 

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