[CM] cm3 with emacs

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 11 11:17:39 PDT 2009

Hi im sorry for the delay in this reply, its been a  very busy two  
Are you using the function mp:open  to open the port?

first use (ports) list the avaiable ports:

cm> (ports)
(("midi.port" (0 -> "IAC Driver Bus 1" #f) (0 <- "IAC Driver Bus 1"  

then use (mp:open  out . in) to open a device.  the -> means in the  
device listing means that device is an output. so  this would open the  
output device 0

(mp:open 0)

cm> (mp:open 0)
CoreMidi - opening out: Bus 1

> Hi,
> I'm wondering how to register alsa midi ports
> when using cm3 from within emacs. When I sprout
> a process from within Grace, I can see a Juce port
> in the alsa sequencer (I still have to make connections
> manually, even if I select a port from within Grace).
> But when I start cm from within emacs, I cannot see
> any Juce ports being registered...
> thanks for your help,
> Lieven Moors
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