[CM] installing juce

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 16 03:35:51 PDT 2009

based on the messages it would seem that you didnt install the lastest  
svn sources of common music. use tortoise svn to download the latest  
version of common music from

then dont supply --juce and cm will use its own amalgamated juce  

premake --verbose --target vs2008 --sndlib ../sndlib

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Markus Eichhoff wrote:

> Number 1. and 2. are o.k. now. Number 3. makes problems: I have put  
> the directory "juce" into C:\Software, then I went to "build" inside  
> of "juce" and compiled it with VC++. All without errors.
> Then I went to cmd and typed "premake --target vs2008 --sndlib ../ 
> sndlib", but an error occured:
> **premake.lua: premake.lua:112: CM requires juce, add --juce to your  
> premake options
> **Script failed to run, ending.
> Then I typed: "premake --target vs2008 --sndlib ../sndlib --juce ../ 
> juce"
> and this error message appeared:
> WARNING: no juce debug lib found for CONFIG=Debug
> ** premake.lua: premake.lua:205: attempt to call a table value
> **Script failed to run, ending
> What do I have to change? I compiled Juce as "release" and as  
> "debug", but... always the same error. Perhaps the command  
> "premake.... " etc. is wrong in that way I have written it?
> 1. Download and install Premake 3.7, make sure that the executable is
> on your PATH variable:
>        http://downloads.sourceforge.net/premake/premake-win32-3.7.zip
> 2. Open a CMD shell (terminal): Select Run... from the Start menu and
> click OK.
> 3. In the terminal window, change directories to your CM directory and
> use premake to create the Visual Studio project files:
>    cd \Software\cm
>    premake --target vs2008 --sndlib ../sndlib
> 4. Double click the file 'cm.sln' , select the Release configuration
> in the pulldown menu and press F7.
> Heinrich Taube schrieb:
>> ok great. if Grace doesnt have an icon showing you can do an snv  
>> update and then follow what i sent this morning.
>> On Jul 15, 2009, at 1:49 PM, eichhoff at statistik.uni-dortmund.de  
>> wrote:
>>> Yessssss great, it worked! 0 errors, 474 warnings. Thank you!
>>>> i have no idea why you are working under a directory call "steel  
>>>> bank
>>>> common lisp". sndlib has nothing to do with common lisp or sbcl.  
>>>> since
>>>> windows uses its shell to copy the windows-sndlib.h  files i think
>>>> maybe the spaces in "steel bank common lisp" possible cause  
>>>> things to
>>>> break please follow these directions in README.sndlib EXACTLY. if  
>>>> this
>>>> doesnt work im sorry i cant help any more than this, you'll have to
>>>> wait for a binary release in a week or two,
>>>> These instructions assume you already have Microsoft Visual Studio
>>>> Express C++ 2008 installed on your computer. Its easiest if you  
>>>> create
>>>> a common folder to hold the source trees for CM and SndLib.  I  
>>>> created
>>>> a C:\Software directory to hold both systems on my machine:
>>>>        C:\Software\sndlib
>>>>        C:\Software\cm
>>>> 1. Download and install the latest version of SndLib:
>>>>        ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/sndlib.tar.gz
>>>> 2. Double-click 'sndlib.vcproj' to open the project in Visual  
>>>> Studio
>>>> and choose 'Build Solution' from the Build menu (or press F7). This
>>>> should compile the release version of the sndlib library.
>>>> 1. Download and install Premake 3.7, make sure that the  
>>>> executable is
>>>> on your PATH variable:
>>>>        http://downloads.sourceforge.net/premake/premake-win32-3.7.zip
>>>> 2. Open a CMD shell (terminal): Select Run... from the Start menu  
>>>> and
>>>> click OK.
>>>> 3. In the terminal window, change directories to your CM  
>>>> directory and
>>>> use premake to create the Visual Studio project files:
>>>>    cd \Software\cm
>>>>    premake --target vs2008 --sndlib ../sndlib
>>>> 4. Double click the file 'cm.sln' , select the Release  
>>>> configuration
>>>> in the pulldown menu and press F7.
>>>> On Jul 15, 2009, at 10:18 AM, Markus Eichhoff wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I downloaded the new version of stdlib, untared it in a folder and
>>>>> then opened
>>>>> visual c++. Now I didn't had the problem with snd.h as before  
>>>>> (thank
>>>>> you very much
>>>>> for correcting it), but another error occured. This is my
>>>>> Build.Log.htm in
>>>>> German, but I translated it every time.
>>>>> Buildprotokoll (building journal):
>>>>> Erstellen wurde gestartet: Projekt: "sndlib", Konfiguration:
>>>>> "Release|Win32"
>>>>> (Building is startet: Project: "sndlib", configuration "Release|
>>>>> Win32")
>>>>> Befehlszeilen (command lines):
>>>>> Die temporäre Datei "c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common
>>>>> Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\obj\sndlib\Release\BAT00000126363696.bat" wird
>>>>> erstellt. Inhalt:
>>>>> [
>>>>> @echo off
>>>>> copy c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\windows- 
>>>>> mus-
>>>>> config.h
>>>>> c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\mus-config.h
>>>>> copy c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\windows-
>>>>> sndlib.h
>>>>> c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\sndlib.h
>>>>> if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
>>>>> goto VCEnd
>>>>> :VCReportError
>>>>> echo Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus
>>>>> folgender Quelle
>>>>> zurückgegeben: "Präbuildereignis wird ausgeführt..."
>>>>> exit 1
>>>>> :VCEnd
>>>>> ]Erstellen der Befehlszeile """c:\Programme\Steel Bank Common
>>>>> Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\obj\sndlib\Release\BAT00000126363696.bat"""
>>>>> Ausgabefenster (display window):
>>>>> Präbuildereignis wird ausgeführt...
>>>>> Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
>>>>> Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
>>>>> Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus  
>>>>> folgender
>>>>> Quelle
>>>>> zurückgegeben: "Präbuildereignis wird ausgeführt..."
>>>>> Ergebnisse (results):
>>>>> Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\Programme\Steel Bank  
>>>>> Common
>>>>> Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\obj\sndlib\Release\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
>>>>> sndlib - 1 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> And here is what Visual C++ gives out after pressing F7:
>>>>> 1>------ Erstellen gestartet: Projekt: sndlib, Konfiguration:
>>>>> Release Win32 ------
>>>>> 1>Präbuildereignis wird ausgeführt...
>>>>> 1>Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
>>>>> 1>Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
>>>>> 1>Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus
>>>>> folgender Quelle
>>>>> zurückgegeben: "Präbuildereignis wird ausgeführt..."
>>>>> 1>Das Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://c:\Programme\Steel Bank
>>>>> Common
>>>>> Lisp\1.0.29\sndlib\obj\sndlib\Release\BuildLog.htm" gespeichert.
>>>>> 1>sndlib - 1 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)
>>>>> ========== Erstellen: 0 erfolgreich, Fehler bei 1, 0 aktuell, 0
>>>>> übersprungen
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> A tool has returned an error code from the following source:
>>>>> "Prebuilding is
>>>>> executed..."
>>>>> What does it mean? What did I do wrong?
>>>>> Thank you again!
>>>>> Robin Holmes schrieb:
>>>>>> A few of the STK Instruments have been used as the core  
>>>>>> generator for
>>>>>> some synths in the Macaw music program.
>>>>>> The Macaw program is free and uses the MIT license.
>>>>>> See this link for more details. http://code.google.com/p/macaw/
>>>>>> The STK synths are in the experimental menu option that can be
>>>>>> found by
>>>>>> right clicking the synth panel of the main Macaw program.
>>>>>> Robin.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Stk mailing list
>>>>>> Stk at ccrma.stanford.edu
>>>>>> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/stk
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Dipl.-Math. Markus Eichhoff
>>>>> Chair of Computational Statistics
>>>>> Faculty of Statistics
>>>>> Technical University of Dortmund
>>>>> 44221 Dortmund
>>>>> Room 826
>>>>> Phone:       +49 (0)231 755 - 5903
>>>>> Telefax:     +49 (0)231 755 - 4387
>>>>> E-mail:      eichhoff at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
>>>>> Web:         http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/eichhoff_eng.html
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Cmdist mailing list
>>>>> Cmdist at ccrma.stanford.edu
>>>>> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/cmdist
> -- 
> Dipl.-Math. Markus Eichhoff
> Chair of Computational Statistics
> Faculty of Statistics
> Technical University of Dortmund
> 44221 Dortmund
> Room 826
> Phone:       +49 (0)231 755 - 5903
> Telefax:     +49 (0)231 755 - 4387
> E-mail:      eichhoff at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
> Web:         http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/eichhoff_eng.html

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