[CM] fomus-time-signature

David Psenicka dpsenick at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 18:56:51 PST 2009

You can also just give an explicit time signature like this:

send "fms:meas", timesig: {5 8}

fomus then uses `timesig' and `beat' to figure out the duration of the
measure.  In this case, though, it's probably be easier to pass a `dur'
and `timesig-den' value (`timesig-den' and `beat' could also be set
globally when you do `sprout').

On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 12:13 -0600, Heinrich Taube wrote:

> ok i guess you use the timesig-den setting for measures  to force the  
> timsig demnom.
> this version does what you want:
> define process quint(durs)
>    run for d in durs
>      for n from 60
>      send "fms:meas", dur: d, beat: 1/8, timesig-den: 8
>      send "fms:note", part: "pno", dur: d, pitch: n
>      print "here!"
>      wait d
>    end

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