[CM] fomus-time-signature

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Dec 29 09:32:59 PST 2009

this will do it, but i dont know how to get the timesig numbers to  
respect my beat. it turns  8/8 intp 4/4 etc.

define process quint(durs)
  run for d in durs
    for n from 60
    send "fms:meas", dur: d, beat: 1/8
    send "fms:note", part: "pno", dur: d, pitch: n
    wait d

  with parts = {{:id "pno" :name "Piano" :inst "piano"}}

  sprout quint({8 7 6 5 4 3}), "quint.ly",
         parts: parts, clear: #t, run: #t


On Dec 29, 2009, at 9:31 AM, Johannes Quint wrote:

> this is my old question: what is the code to generate the following  
> via grace/fomus:
> <pastedGraphic.png>
> thanks for hints,  
> johannes_______________________________________________
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