[CM] Common Music 3.4.0

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Dec 9 04:32:44 PST 2009

Common Music 3.4.0 for Mac, Windows and Linux is available for  
download at:


Main new features in 3.4.0:

* Open Sound Control : ability to send and receive OSC messages and to  
set callback functions in your Scheme code (linux and osx for now as i  
haven't been able to build with liblo under vs2008)
* Implementation of one- and two- dimensional cellular automata;  
ability to see evolving states graphically in a state window.  see  
Help>Examples>Cellular Automata  for examples
* Many fixes and improvements for working with the Fomus music  
notation engine

Common Music is built with JUCE C++ took kit (Julian Storer) S7 Scheme  
and SndLib (William Schottstaedt) and contains the complete  
distribution of CLM / CCRMA digital instruments

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