[CM] ffi unbound variable with use of discrete

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Aug 21 11:06:53 PDT 2009

thanks for the bug report, this was a typo in the ffi and it is fixed  
in svn  trunk:

loop repeat 20
   for x = ran(1.0)
   for d = discrete(x, 0.0, 1.0, 48, 90)
   print "x=", x, " d=", d

x=0.089581334052976 d=51
x=0.96876784203778 d=88
x=0.49723472411214 d=68
x=0.082061355952653 d=51
x=0.067180768369506 d=50
x=0.90651566556341 d=86
x=0.81225912478107 d=82
x=0.62658593445704 d=74
x=0.31612700487397 d=61
x=0.24943431682173 d=58
x=0.33439247154966 d=62
x=0.87126396989246 d=84
x=0.41610700996036 d=65
x=0.025761402218081 d=49
x=0.53223813058162 d=70
x=0.79803604884027 d=81
x=0.75465513666967 d=79
x=0.15027466536273 d=54
x=0.41939716306967 d=65
x=0.18762388131293 d=55

btw  im making the binary release this weekend so if anyone has a bug  
to report now is the time!

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