[CM] Snd 10.8

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 9 05:57:34 PDT 2009

Im expecting to see the "expanding foo macro!" message only one time.  
but maybe im confused!
that is i thought the macro got expanded when 'define' did its work,  
not when i call the function.

(define-macro (foo . args)
   (format #t "expanding foo macro!~%")
   `(list , at args))

(define (usefoo a b c)
  (foo a b c))

cm> (usefoo 1 2 3)
expanding foo macro!
(1 2 3)
cm> (usefoo 1 2 3)
expanding foo macro!
(1 2 3)
cm> (usefoo 1 2 3)
expanding foo macro!
(1 2 3)

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