[CM] Snd 10.8

Bill Schottstaedt bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Aug 9 04:24:19 PDT 2009

Snd 10.8

Rick fixed the windows build process for sndlib; added sndlib.sln.

Kjetil and Mike made numerous improvements.

in s7, sound-data, frame, mixer objects are set-applicable (like vectors and vcts).
Also strings, lists, and hash-tables are set-applicable.  This has the somewhat 
  strange side effect that (apply "hi" '(1)) returns #\i, since strings are applicable.
  I think the syntax is pretty:

      (let ((lst (list 1 2 3)))
        (set! (lst 1) 32)
        (list (lst 0) (lst 1)))
      -> '(1 32)

      (let ((hash (make-hash-table)))
        (set! (hash 'hi) 32)
        (hash 'hi))
      -> 32

  but even better, vector arithmetic is almost readable, and you can write (for example)
  a generic FFT that can take vectors, vcts, frames, lists, etc.  I wonder if I should
  extend the "setter" idea to things like imag-part or numerator.  One thing I haven't
  looked into yet: (set! ((lst 0) 0) 1) which I guess is set-caar!

s7 length is generic, also added generic copy and fill!.

added sort! for lists or vectors (it uses C's qsort internally, and list arguments are 
  always copied -- it's really vector-sort!).
added frame and mixer, paralleling functions like vct and list:
  (frame .1 .2) = (make-frame 2 .1 .2) etc

added profiling option (--with-profiling in configure) to s7.  profile
  function in extensions.scm.  This could be greatly elaborated, if
  it's of interest.

added trace, untrace, break and __func__ to s7. The __func__ info made it possible
  to remove the backtrace facility altogether: backtracing, backtrace, set-backtrace-length,
  clear-backtrace, and list-line-number have been removed.  These are replaced by
  the stacktrace function, callable from within a break or error handler.
  stacktrace (and error position info) still needs a lot of work.

added macroexpand.
    > (define-macro (hi a) `(+ ,a 1))
    > (macroexpand (hi 32))
    (+ 32 1)

removed gc-verbose, and load-verbose replaced by *load-hook*.  Error handling can
  be specialized via *error-hook*.

C-\ in the Snd terminal breaks out of evaluator infinite loops (s7 only).

In the s7 C API: 
  s7_define_function_star: define* at C-level, handling keywords, argument order, etc.
  s7_define_macro: define a macro at C-level.  
  s7_new_type_x: extended version of the C-level new type creator (length, copy, fill).
  lower-case versions of s7_T and friends (I'll probably remove the upper-case versions someday).

read-hook (in s7-Snd) has changed (the other cases are not changed).

the ubiquitous Float type is now named mus_float_t (new sndlib major version: 21),
  and off_t has been changed to mus_long_t.  Wherever possible I'm using either 
  int64_t or long long int, rather than off_t.

added all the non-Snd-specific instrument files to the sndlib tarball:
  analog-filter.scm|rb, animals.scm, bird.scm|rb|fsm, clm.fs, clm-ins.scm|rb|fs, dlocsig.scm|rb,
  fade.scm, freeverb.scm|rb, generators.scm, grani.scm, jcrev.scm, jcvoi.scm,
  maraca.scm|rb, maxf.scm|rb, moog.scm, noise.scm|rb, piano.scm|rb, prc95.scm|rb,
  pvoc.scm|rb, singer.scm|rb, sndwarp.scm, spectr.scm|rb|fs, stochastic.scm, strad.scm|rb,
  v.scm|rb.  Also split out expandn, fullmix, and nrev from clm-ins.scm into separate files.
  Mike brought the sndins directory up to date.

added "encapsulators" to s7:
   open-encapsulator, close-encapsulator, (obj) to restore, encapsulator-bindings
   (define-macro (encapsulate . body) 
      (let ((encap (gensym)))
        `(let ((,encap (open-encapsulator)))
              (lambda () 
              (lambda () 
	        , at body)
              (lambda () 
	        ((,encap))  ; restore saved vars
                (close-encapsulator ,encap))))))
    This evaluates "body", then returns any variables global to that code to their prior value:

        > (define global-x 32)
        > (encapsulate 
            (set! global-x 123) 
            (format #f "x: ~A" global-x))
        "x: 123"
        > global-x

    There are three or maybe four reasons for encapsulators (rather than, say, fluid-let).
    The main one is that it's a neat idea: a sort of data-side continuation.  open-encapsulator
    remembers the overall environment at the point it is called, returning an encapuslator
    object.  Whenever we want to return to that data state, we call that object as a thunk.
    encapsulator-bindings returns the alist of variables awaiting restoration.  Once called,
    that list is cleared, and the encapsulator starts saving values again (so repeated calls
    keep returning you to that data state).  close-encapsulator turns that encapsulator off.
    In a REPL, for example, you could save the initial state, then return to it at any time,
    without restarting the interpreter.  fluid-let is not what we want here because it has
    a body, and requires that you list in advance what variables you want to protect (and
    besides, it's not really a let (it uses "set!") and I can't see anything fluid about it).
    By tracing the encapsulator object, we can see every set! within some piece of code.
    This encapsulation is not complete: I haven't finished making Snd/CLM objects work
    with it, and some Scheme constructs aren't handled yet: (string-set! (vector-ref...))
    for example. 

    Another idea that strikes me as interesting: define!
      (define! env var value)

    would bind var to value in the environment env (it changes env, hence the "!").  Currently, 
    if you want 2 functions to share a local variable, you have to establish the names in the 
    outer environment by hand:

        (define proc1 #f)
        (define proc2 #f)
        (let ((local-var 32))
          (set! proc1 (lambda () (+ local-var 1)))
          (set! proc2 (lambda () (- local-var 1))))

    You can't use

          (define local-var 23)
          (define (proc1) (+ local-var 1))
          (define (proc2) (- local-var 1)))  

    because local-var is also defined outside the "begin".  With define! you could:

        (let ((e (current-environment))) ; or (global-environment) to make them global
          (let ((local-var 32))
            (define! e (proc1) (+ local-var 1))
            (define! e (proc2) (- local-var 1))))

    This could replace the notions of library and module, I think.  A file could be
    enclosed in a let, keeping everything local to that file except stuff that is
    defined via define!.

    Or... (env-let env (...) body) evaluates its bindings and body in the context
    of the environment env.  Or environments as "first class" objects (see extend-environment
    in s7.h, for example).  Or...

    One last idea: emacs 23 apparently supports the XEmbed protocol, so I think
    it is now possible to do what I had hoped to do in 1996: use emacs as the
    snd listener (within Snd).  To communicate between Snd and Emacs it might still
    be necessary to treat Snd as an emacs subjob, but the emacs window would be
    inside the Snd app.

cmn works in ECL 9.7.1.
ruby 1.9 works as Snd's extension language.
guile 1.9 works, but is not very useful: the run macro does not work, nor does ws.scm.
using Motif 2.3.2 (CVS at sourceforge), the listener is at the top for some reason.

Checked: gtk 2.17.3|4|5|6, fth 1.2.5|6, fftw 3.2.2, guile 1.9.1, openmotif 2.3.2, clisp 2.48,
         autoconf 2.64, sbcl 1.0.30, ecl 9.7.1

Thanks!: Mike Scholz, Rick Taube, Kjetil Matheussen, Markus Eichhoff, W Andrew Burnson

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