[CM] Multiple midi ports

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Apr 11 08:50:10 PDT 2009

looking this over i remember now why i didnt implement multiple ports  
immediately. unlike portmidi, which reads ports just one time when the  
lib is initialized, juce ports are completely dynamic and there is no  
static device id. that means each time devices are read id 0 could  
possibly point to a different device and so :port values might have to  
change. its doable but a bit tricky

On Apr 10, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Neil Baylis wrote:

> Is there an example somewhere that shows how to send different  
> events to different midi output ports?
> Also, how do I provide hooks to receive events from multiple midi in  
> ports simultaneously?
> Thanks,
> Neil
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