[CM] clm/cm3 in s7 scheme

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 7 04:00:07 PST 2008

a new tarball of  clm+cm in s7 scheme is available at


new feature:

1. bil's run loop optimizer now available in latest sndlib (yay!)
2. scheme now runs in its own juce thread
3. real time processes working (not heavily tested yet)
4. improved repl (multiline input )
5. builds in chicken 3.0.0 (no sndlib) pass --chicken /path/to/ 
chicken-3.0.0 to premake

the clm+cm app is fully relocatable and requires no runtime sources.  
to use the app in emacs do

(setq scheme-program-name "/path/to/cm3/bin/cm")
M-x run-scheme

building is a snap:

wget ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/sndlib.tar.gz
tar -zxf sndlib.tar.gz
cd sndlib
./configure CC=g++
cd ..

wget http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/cm3.tar.gz
tar -zxf cm3.tar.gz
cd cm3
premake --verbose --target gnu --juce /path/to/juce --sndlib ../sndlib

S7 Scheme 1.2, (c) 2008 William Schottstaedt
SNDLIB 20.10, (c) 2008 William Schottstaedt
----/\\\------- Common Music 3.2.0
  /      \\\/
Type 'q' to quit.
cm> (list 1 2 3)
(1 2 3)
cm> (load "/Users/hkt/Software/snd-10/v.scm")
cm> (with-sound () (fm-violin 0 1 440 .1))
cm> (define (foo n )
   (process for i below n
	   do (display (list i (elapsed)))
	   (wait .5)))

cm> (sprout (foo 10))
(0 0.0)
(1 0.5000870000124)
(2 1.0009470000267)
(3 1.5018830000162)
(4 2.0025049999952)
(5 2.5038330000043)
(6 3.0042760000229)
(7 3.5051180000305)
(8 4.006182000041)
(9 4.5074370000362)
cm> q
Killing scheme thread...quitting Scheme

Process scheme finished

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