[CM] SAL in S7

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Nov 27 06:24:25 PST 2008

The latest cm3 tarball has SAL working in S7/SndLib:


The tarball includes Sal-mode for Emacs for evalling/highlighting in  
sal buffers. See m3/readme.text for the tiny snippet to add to  
your .emacs file. (It also colorizes definstrument, run etc in scheme  

Then start cm and edit a .sal buffer

	M-x: cm
	C-xC-f: test.sal

the use C-xC-e to eval sal commands (Command-Return works on Mac,  
too).  See etc/examples.sal and examples.scm for more info


print "hiho!"

; try the built in wave instrument

define process simpwav( n, r, d, lb, ub)
   run repeat n
     for k = between( lb, ub)
     for t = elapsed(#t)
     send wave, t, d, hz( k), .1
     wait r

sprout simpwav( 10, .2, .1, 60, 80) , "~/test.aiff"

since SndLib has interpreted instruments ill  add a 'define instrument  
' in sal, i think maybe i just need to add statements for 'outa'  and  

Gobble gobble!

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