[CM] data format conversion (mus-lfloat -> mus-short or mus-l24int) with dithering or without ?

errordeveloper at gmail.com errordeveloper at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 06:16:37 PST 2008

On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 05:53:46AM -0800, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
> > i am wondering if Snd does dithering when you save-sound-as with 
> > different data-format (i.e. smaller wordlenght) ? 
> No.  I personally do not believe in dithering, and it seems like a bad
> idea in any case to change the data without being asked. 
pardon, but what do you mean by saying "it's a bad idea"?
changing the data-format is bad? ..well, but you need it to compress to
mp3 or  ogg, and flac needs at least 24bit integers too ..

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