[CM] Grace help examples

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon May 19 09:06:20 PDT 2008

Yes, you are correct that some of the tutorials are stale -- they were  
originally designed for the Common Lisp environment and dont reflect  
the newer realtime/scheme environment. I think the solution will be to  
make the current tutorials reflect realtime/scheme (Grace), and only  
ship the older set with gracecl releases (assuming there is some  
solution to getting CLM  working in a non-snd scheme the GraceCL  
releases will be fewer and fewer)
best, rick

On May 19, 2008, at 8:53 AM, David Hamilton wrote:

> Hello
> I'm running on Mac and PC and seem to be having some problems  
> running some of the earlier tutorials. In help/SAL tutorials/Hello  
> World, I can't execute this example:
> loop for x from 0 to 1 by 1/8
>   print "x=", x, " sin(2pi*x)/2=", sin(2 * pi * x) / 2
> end
> I've tried on Mac and PC versions of Grace and get the same error:
> >>> Error: unbound variable: pi
> I'm also getting the same error on OSX when executing, but am  
> wondering if I'm missing something?
> print *midi-player*
> I'm outputting MIDI ok when I try the menu /Ports/Midi Out/Test Output
> Finally, I'm also getting an error when trying to execute:
> begin
>   with notes = {e4 fs4 b4 cs5 d5 fs4 e4 cs5 b4 fs4 d5 cs5} ,
>        stop = 20
>   open "reich.mid"
>   sprout list( piano-phase(stop, notes, .167),
>                piano-phase(stop, notes, .17))
> end
> The error is:
> >>> Error: Illegal statement:
>   open "reich.mid"
>   ^
> Apologies for the barrage of questions, I can get the more complex  
> examples to execute, and understand the principal of what's  
> happening but some of these simple ones are foxing me.
> Thanks in advance.
> David
> PS All examples copied and pasted from help files.
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