[CM] a question for experts?

Frank Barknecht fbar at footils.org
Tue May 20 12:06:50 PDT 2008

Bill Schottstaedt hat gesagt: // Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

> Max asks "how to use dual-core processors in real time audio
> applications?" -- I would mumble something about threads.
> Actually, I've never looked into how much parallel processing
> they provide.  On my dual-processor machine, I have convinced
> myself that they run at the same time, and in some cases give an
> honest factor of two speed-up (via threads).

Tricky question. Here's an interesting paper from this year's Linux
Audio Conference in Cologne regarding it: 

  "Exploiting Multi-Core Architectures for Fast Modular Synthesis"
  Name: Jürgen Reuter
  Recently, CPU speed increases only slowly, while the number of
  transistors per chip keeps growing exponentially. Consequently,
  processors with multi-core architectures are pervading the market.
  Unfortunately, most existing software still can not exploit the
  parallelism. Since modular software synthesis implementations
  typically simulate parallel hardware, they are designated to run on
  parallel hardware. We examine different approaches for parallelization
  of a modular software synthesizer and discuss their advantages and
  disadvantages with respect to both the performance gain and the impact
  on the software architecture.

Paper: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/download/papers/8.pdf
Slides: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/download/slides/8/
LAC: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/

Frank Barknecht

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