[CM] Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group @ UCSC with David Cope and Peter Elsea - Sunday May 11

Robert Vogel vogelrl at ct.metrocast.net
Fri May 9 09:27:13 PDT 2008

Since I live in Connecticut, it is a little too far to travel for this
meeting much as I would like to be there. If someone could manage a
video recording, I would purchase a copy.


On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 20:17 -0700, Noah Thorp wrote:
> Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT)
> Sunday afternoon presentations by David Cope and Peter Elsea
> Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 1:00 PM
> Music Building @ University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
> RSVP: http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/calendar/7516169/
> Thank you to David Cope and Peter Elsea for hosting the Bay Area
> Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT) for a Sunday afternoon at
> University of Santa Cruz!
> This Sunday's presentations:
> - David Cope will discuss and demonstrate his work with his computer
> program Experiments in Musical Intelligence. This will include a world
> premiere of a work by Emmy-Bach never before heard.
> - Peter Elsea will give a tour of the facilities and a presentation on
> recent work using Max/MSP for algorithmic composition with visualizations.
> If you are not familiar with David Cope's work, it represents a landmark
> moment in computer creativity (similar to Kurzweil's AARON application
> in the visual sphere). Cope's Experiments in Musical Intelligence set
> the bar for generative music by analyzing scores and writing new pieces
> in the style of the composer analyzed. If the turing test was a musical
> one, experiments in musical intelligence would be likely to pass the
> test. Those who encounter this work are often excited or even frightened
> by its implications. I encourage you to come and engage in this
> important work directly. You can listen to realizations of Cope's
> experiments in musical intelligence scores here (listen to "After Bach",
> "After Beethoven", etc. - there might be a lag before playing):
> http://arts.ucsc.edu/faculty/cope/mp3page.htm
> Peter Elsea's presentations will give us a window into this frequent
> computer music community contributor's latest works. It will be exciting
> to see his new approaches to visualization and algorithmic composition
> and also get a sense of the UCSC studios he stewards.
> All the best,
> Noah Thorp
> Organizer
> Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT)
> UCSC is not very google maps friendly. Here is the lat/lon location of
> the music building:
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=104428095974959315351.00044c9b3fa164b7ff88f&t=h&z=19
> Here are the directions from UCSC:
> http://maps.ucsc.edu/cdmusic.html
> There will be a machine dispensing parking permits for $2. The music
> center is the concrete complex at the far end of the parking lot. Go all
> the way to the plaza overlooking the bay, and look left for the building
> entrance. There will be signs to the proper room.
> DAVID COPE ( http://arts.ucsc.edu/faculty/cope/index.html ), Professor
> Emeritus of Music at UC Santa Cruz, teaches in the annual Workshop in
> Algorithmic Computer Music (WACM) held in June-July at UC Santa Cruz.
> Cope's books on modern music include New Directions in Music (seventh
> edition), Techniques of the Contemporary Composer, and New Music
> Notation. His books on the intersection of music and computer science
> include Computers and Musical Style, Experiments in Musical
> Intelligence, The Algorithmic Composer, Virtual Music, Computer Models
> of Musical Creativity, and Hidden Structure (available through most
> online book sellers) and describe the computer program Experiments in
> Musical Intelligence which he created in 1981. Recordings of his music
> appear on Centaur, Smithsonian Folkways, Opus One, and Vienna Modern
> Masters and include a wide diversity of works, from large ensembles to
> soloists with electronic and computer-generated tape.
> PETER ELSEA ( http://arts.ucsc.edu/EMS/Music/PQE/More_PQE.html ) is the
> director of the UCSC Electronic Music Program. He is known world-wide
> for his "Lobjects" software for the Max/MSP music programming
> environment, and his tutorials for that language are in use at most
> major electronic music institutions. Google reports more than 1000 links
> to his internet articles on music technology, which have been on line
> since 1994. In addition to his work in composition and synthesis, he has
> been for some years exploring the combination of sound and light using
> high speed computers. Part of his visual collaboration with Mesut Ozgen,
> "New Dimensions in Classical Guitar" (seen at UCSC in 2004) was recently
> presented in Istanbul.
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