[CM] music5

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky znmeb at cesmail.net
Mon May 5 06:44:15 PDT 2008

Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
> If you'd like to time-travel today, I moved the old XGP version
> to old-music5.f, added the new music5.f (see the start of
> that file for instructions on how to build it), and added
> music5-examples which currently has the only example
> I've actually tried.  I don't know why you have to put a space
> in column 1.

Is it using the Fortran comment convention? IIRC some compilers would 
take either C or * in column 1 as signaling a comment, and some even 
took anything but a space or a digit as a comment.
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