[CM] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.8.5 and San Dysth V0.1.1

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Thu Mar 6 09:51:21 PST 2008

Snd-ls V0.9.8.5
Snd-ls is a distribution of Bill Schottstaedt's sound editor SND.

Its target is people that don't know scheme very well, and don't want
to spend too much time configuring Snd. It can also serve
as a quick introduction to Snd and how it can be set up.

Snd-ls also serves as base code for the San-Dysth softsynth
(http://www.notam02.no/~kjetism/sandysth/) and the Snd-rt music
programming language (http://www.notam02.no/arkiv/doc/snd-rt)

Changes ->
-Updated Snd-rt.
-Fixed player
-Fixed append
-Updated Snd-rt.

Download from http://www.notam02.no/arkiv/src/snd/

San Dysth V0.1.1

This softsynth has controls to generate various kinds of sounds inbetween 
white noise and pure tones. It also provides controllers to disturb the 
generated sound by using a "period counter" to extend the variety of the 
generated output.

Common usage for the softsynth is organ-like sound, organic-like sound, 
alien-like sounds, water-like sounds, and various kinds of noise (noise 
artists could find this softsynth most useful).

Change from V0.1.0:
* Fixed load/save dialog.


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