[CM] RT-Stalin Build Overview?

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Tue Jun 3 11:50:42 PDT 2008

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Charles Turner wrote:

> Hi Kjetil-
> I hoping you could confirm a brief overview of building RT-Stalin. I've
> got Snd-ls working, now:
>  . I should build a "stock" version of Stalin? Do you have any idea
> whether
>    the Debian binary is OK, or would you "strongly recommend" building
> from source?

If the debian version is 0.11, it should be okay. If not you
should build from source. (If you must build from source,
here is modified stalin source which uses a little bit less
when compile scheme files: http://www.notam02.no/~kjetism/stalin.c.gz
(that version has removed the fast-tree-shake pass which makes
the time compiling very large files shorter but smaller files longer)

>  . Tinker with the makefile in rollendurchmesserzeitsammler and build
> it,
>    run the tests and build graincloud?

Yes, that's a good strategy.

>  . Then finally, I'm left with the question: what is the relationship
> between the
>    Stalin files in Snd-cvs, rollendurchmesserzeitsammler and Snd-ls?

Snd-ls does not support stalin yet, you have to use Snd from cvs.

Snd from cvs links with rollendurchmesserzeitsammler when compiled
with the "--with-rt" option.

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