[CM] Debian package?

A.W. gzeusmants at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 12:08:14 PDT 2008

The current package for Snd in Debian is 7.18, which is old.
Anyone willing to package it/know someone who can get the new version
into Debian?
I'm not sure if I just pulled in the wrong dependencies(I don't build
from source much) but I had to build with Gtk and ALSA(I used Jack as
well, worked fine) as I think I saw some OSS errors in the configure
script run.
I'm running sidux, which is just sid with some scripts.

If no one's running Debian, I could probably package it, but I'm
unfamiliar with getting things into Debian, and I'm certainly not
experienced enough to be an official packager.

Great app, I've ironed out all my initial confusion. (wrong version
combined with expecting it to be more like/less like emacs depending
on the area)

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