[CM] snd pd external reports "Unbound variable: in" during startup

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Mon Jul 21 03:46:40 PDT 2008

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, Carlos Pita wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing problems during snd pd external startup.
> pd-global.scm requires rt-compiler.scm, which in turn throws:
> <jack-rt-driver>: starting!
> linking /home/carlos/snd-eval-c-cache/cache.Am6XKU.so das_init
> Backtrace:
> In unknown file:
>   ?: 0* [primitive-load-path "rt-compiler.scm"]
> In /tmp/snd-9.11/rt-compiler.scm:
> 4740: 1* [debug_scheme_loop]
> 4741: 2  (in 1000 (lambda () (catch #t (lambda () #) ...) ...))
> /tmp/snd-9.11/rt-compiler.scm:4741:3: In expression (in 1000 (lambda () # ...)):
> /tmp/snd-9.11/rt-compiler.scm:4741:3: Unbound variable: in
> My guile version is 1.8.5, and snd is 9.11.
> Could you help me? I've already gone into big pain trying to get pd
> and snd working together.

You need to comment out the block starting at line
4741 since "in" doesn't seem to be provided. (I guess
"in" comes with gtk or motif only.)

But there's been a bunch of radical changes to snd-rt
recently, which I doubt work with snd/pd, so I've
uploaded an older version of Snd (which
I have used as a pd external) here:

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