[CM] what linux?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Feb 21 15:26:57 PST 2008
On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 17:16 -0600, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> can anyone recommend a well supported linux that i can (easily)
> install on an older dell?
> my first choice would be planetccrma except there is some issue with a
> fedora X library and juce that im not sure i can solve beyond waiting
> for the next release of fedora.
What issue are you having? I have juce in the Planet CCRMA
-- Fernando
> my next choice would be gentoo but their livecd doenst even boot.
> these are the only linux versions that i know work well (well, at
> least planetccrma works well but ive heard good things about gentoo)
> anyway i dont want an installer that boots me in a shell as superuser
> and tells me to run fdisk! (my second attempt at booting gentoo)
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