[CM] Multichannel height after update

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Tue Dec 30 10:07:21 PST 2008

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

>> Is there any workaround to avoid this quirky behavior?
> (set! (auto-resize) #t) will help -- sort of the opposite of what you'd
> expect.  I think this happens only in the Motif version(?) and have
> tried several times to fix it.  I'll try again...

Ah, I forgot about that. Setting (auto-resize) to #t might
work also. I don't think it worked very well before though, and
it probably needs to be set to #f for the fix in snd_conffile.scm
to work, but it's also been a few years since I checked
(auto-resize) so it might work better now.

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