[CM] browsable clm instrument distribution

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Dec 29 09:05:57 PST 2008

the latest version of Grace contains Bill's complete CLM instrument  
distribution built into the app and provides a special browser that  
lets you load, edit and test all the instruments out.

binary downloads and a pretty snapshot of the instrument browser on  
osx are available here:


both max and linux binaries are working but since i dont know how to  
get audio ports to show up on linux /juce  i cant test actual sound  

the browser is an interactive version of the old "ins" file from the  
CLM3 distro , it contains the same basic information (instrument,  
file, category, comment) but lets you actually do things to the  
listing: load the instruments, open examples, or edit the instrument  

the browser is accessible from two menus:  Audio>SndLib>Instruments,  
and Help>Example>Instruments

keyboard shortcuts  for selected row in instrument browser:

1  press Return to load the instrument into scheme
2  double click row to load the instrument AND open any examples in  
the editor. the "Open  Examples" button is only active if there is an  
example associated with the ins

Table columns are sortable so if you click on the Category header you  
can view the instruments sorted according to what type of synthesis  
they implements (ie waveshaping, fm, granular, sound processing, etc)

The CLM instruments are held in an embedded zip archive and the  
browser creates its content from an embedded XML doc  (res/ins/ 
table.xml) which makes it very easy to add other instruments /  
examples to the distro at compile time. see cm/readme.text for more  
information about this.

Ive hacked a few small example files for fm-violin, expandn, jcvoi,  
wave, fm, and will add some for fullmix next week. Some of the  
examples ive got are simpy taken from the commented tests at the end  
of some of the instruments, which typically arent very interesting. I  
plan to add more examples to the clm distro over the next few weeks.
i would welcome receiving any small examples people have collected  
over the year for the CLM instruments!

im impressed with how fast bills interpreted instruments run, for some  
stuff i dont notice much difference with clm3.

Other fixes:

The editor now automatically turns off colorization for large files so  
that these load quickly now. I also rewrote emacs sexpr motion in lisp  
buffers to speed up motion in large files but i would still avoid  
emacs commands for really large one.  I have to move off the juce's  
texteditor but this is alot of work.

Ive initialized the default audio format in Grace to WAV for all  
os'es, you can of course set these to whatever you wan (the internal  
player cant handle .snd format yet.)

Next Up:

Add a real transport widget to the audio playback window with start/ 
end times slider, and a graphic waveform display of  playback as it  

Add NeXT audio format to audio player, make audio format a preference.

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