[CM] CLM-4 binaries

Luis Valdivia luisvaldivia at gmx.net
Thu Dec 25 18:09:28 PST 2008

I tried to make the CLM-4 binaries with the file "make-clm.cl" but the 
Common Lisp compiler gave me the following error

                                 	 	 	 	 	 	        *** - READ von #<INPUT 
BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"make-clm.cl" @17>:        
      Eine Package mit dem Namen "EXCL" gibt es nicht (there is not EXCL 
I tried with sbcl and clisp. I could compile the file "all.lisp", but I 
cann´t make the binaries with the file "make-clm,cl". I´m working with 
Debian Linux 4.0. Could you give me some help?.        

Luis Valdivia    
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