[CM] sndlib/s7 running in Grace

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Dec 18 17:58:16 PST 2008

sndlib is now running happily inside Grace. sndlib will be the default  
scheme i make binaries with from now on. (its still easy to build with  
chicken and ill continue to support it )

prebuilt binaries of Grace/sndlib for osx/leopard and linux are  
available here:


the archives contain both Grace and the bin/cm console app. both apps  
are 100% relocatable -- all scheme code, docs, fonts, tutorials and  
examples are built right into the executable.

Ive taken the opportunity to rewrite most of the code in Grace, its  
fast and pretty clean now and will be much easier to maintain and  
improve as things go forward.  I dont have all the bells and whistles  
back yet but things seem to be working pretty well. the help menu is  
filled with alot more examples from my courses. A sndlib example for  
scheme an sal are at the bottom of the Help>Examples menu.  the  
command-d symbol help should work for sndlib symbols.

building from sources is still a snap, grace is now part into the cm  
source tree and both the Grace and bin/cm targets are automatically  
built when you issue 'make'  On linux the script calls sndlib-config  
to figure out the libs it needs to link with so hopefully this will be  
closer to working with jack etc. i will be migrating the code back to  
sourceforge and updating the CM's hopelessly outdated soureforge  
release page over the christmas break

next up: proportional notation window (most of the code exists in  
Chorale Composer right now) and 'sound buffers' for generating sound  
with sndlib and osc.

this version supports midifile generation in addition to audio files.  
the reich example shows how to generate midi files like cm2.

pretty cool!

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