[CM] cm3 builds on linux

taube at illinois.edu taube at illinois.edu
Mon Dec 1 08:18:14 PST 2008

The latest CM3 tarball now compiles and links on linux using the very latest  sndlib.tar.gz. many thanks to bill an his malloc debugging wizardry! 


note the time tag on the cm tarball, this is there mainly to help keep nando's blood pressure down :)

also added some fixes to protect agains segfaults, but everthing is still pretty experimental! i tested all the midi port, file and sndlib examples on osx and they work (ect/examples.scm etc/examples.sal) 

i cant test on linux because I cant start the app remotely on ccrma because of some stupid x display issue.

i will need someone's help figureing out how to handle all the alsa jack etc lib linking for cm

if you start cm on linix id like to know if the (ports) returns anything (ie if you see midi inputs and outputs...)

here is how I build at ccrma:

wget ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/sndlib.tar.gz
tar -zxf sndlib.tar.gz
cd sndlib
./configure CC=g++
cd ..

wget http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/cm3-081201_0952.tgz
tar -zxf cm3-081201_0952.tgz
cd cm3
premake --verbose --target gnu --juce ../juce --sndlib ../sndlib

to build againt juce debug lib:
make CONFIG=Debug

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