[CM] Builtin audio playback in Grace/SndLib

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Dec 23 13:55:30 PST 2008

I have built-in audio playback working for .wav and .aiff files in the  
latest version of Grace. I'll be adding other audio formats but i  
havnt had time yet to look at juce's audio format manager to do  
this... The new internal audio playback is assigned to *clm-player* on  
startup so its already hooked into with-sound, and sprout . you can  
also call the play() function directly in scheme, or open the gui  
player component via the Audio menu. (of couse you can set *clm- 
player* to an external player as always )y (the player is a gui  
component so its not in the console cm. ive updated the sndlib  
examples to reflect the new playback facility. the player seems to be  
working great on osx but i have no idea how to get audio ports in juce  
on linux to test it! ive putzed around in Jackctl but i dont see  
anything obvious. (maybe its becuase i only have a linux emulator?)

New binaries of Sndlib/Grace for linux and leopard are up on the page


Other changes:

1. Added menu configuration for a few of SndLib's lisp variables,  
these clm settings are also saved in your preferences file.

2. Added an "Audio Settings..." dialog in the Audio menu , your  
setting saved in your preference file.

2. fixed the parens matching/eval issue in scheme buffers

3. added indentation rule and coloration for with-sound

4. fixed bug that wrote the lunix sound file format on Mac.


the biggest outstanding issue is that editing large files with syntax  
highlighting on is still painful due to the fact that buffers are  
based on juce's TextEdit widget.

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