[CM] linux fix: Chorale Composer 0.2

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Aug 30 13:41:06 PDT 2008

Ok the new Linux zip should have playback working, and it might work  
on platforms other than Ubuntu:


thanks for your help!

Ive also made the Info window into a scrollable text editor -- Ive  
update the SOURCE tarball with the changes but I dont want to remake  
all binaries just for this text, the app is going to improve very fast  
over the next few weeks. So here is the contents of the fixed  
Instructions window :

* To view chorales use your scroll wheel to move through the complete
   set or choose File>Open Bach Chorale to select a particular chorale.
* To listen to a chorale first select a MIDI output device from the
   Audio> menu and then use the Transport Tool to play the chorale.
   Adjust the tempo and playback position on the fly, as it plays.
* To scroll the page do Mouse-click-drag on the manuscript.
* To zoom in or out do Mouse-double-click-drag on the manuscript.
* To save a copy of the chorale to a file use File>Save PDF/X

* No editing yet.
* No beaming yet.
* No tied notes yet.
* No analysis display yet.
* A few chorales have been omitted.

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