[CM] Chorale Composer 0.2

Ralf Mattes rm at seid-online.de
Sat Aug 30 09:59:44 PDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 20:43 -0500, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> A new version of Chorale Composer is available at:
> 	http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/cc

Thank you for publishing this.
> New features in the (0.2) release:

Iff you insist on calling youtr program 'cc' you better add the ability
to compile c code :-)

> * Realtime playback of Bach chorales and transport tool  with  
> metronome widget to adjust tempo as it plays and a position slider to  
> move around in the chorale during playback. Take the repeat or not!
> * Positioning and Zoom. look ma, no scroll bars:

Look ma - dimmed out Audio menu on Ubuntu Linux (no way to choose Midi 
device, no sound).

>  use click-drag to  
> move the music manuscript around inside its viewport. Use  double- 
> click-drag to zoom in and out. Zoom all the way out to see how really  
> clean the drawing is, no clipping or overhangs or jags when stems meet  
> noteheads.
> * New Show Chorale Source displays the Bach chorale data the display  
> is based on. Chorale Composer does all layout, notation and music  
> theory analysis on the fly, its incredibly fast.
> Next relelase:  note editing,  analysis (chord classifcation, key/ 
> transpositon functions

The Help>Instructions dialog should have a scrollbar. Depending on the
local font setup the instruction window clips content.

Thanks a lot  

 Ralf Mattes
> -- Rick Taube
> -- Andrew Burnson
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