[CM] ANNOUNCE: Chorale Composer

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 19 17:53:53 PDT 2008

We are pleased to announce the Alpha release of Chorale Composer, an  
open source JUCE app that demonstrates device independent music  
notation using the 371 Bach Chorales as its data set. Chorale Composer  
is built using the JUCE cross-platform tool kit by Julian Storer and  
runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Choral Composer is in its infancy but does display all the Bach  
Chorales and provides true WYSIWIG PDF/X generation from the window  

More information, binary and source downloads are available at:


Rick Taube
taube at illinois.edu

Andrew Burnson
burnson2 at illinois.edu

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