[CM] ANNOUNCE: Grace 1.0.2

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 26 15:12:21 PDT 2008

for info about the new midi seq stuff look in this online link:


to learn how to use the capture seq, load the the Midi tutorial from  
the help menu and do it.

in short you can:
1. record realtime midi messages you send to Midi Out
2. put port in "score capture mode" and send time stamped data to it,  
in which case it acts sort of like the old cm.
4. import midi files into the tracks menu and then restore them to the  
capture sequence.

captured midi data can be saved to track or files, or exported as text  
back to the editor window. thats pretty cool.
next release will allow you to send data to plotter for gui editing  
and playback.

any ideas on how to improve or simplying would be appreciated.
one thing that i already know it needs are some sal/lisp commands so  
you dont have to use the menus to manipulate the sequnce

> Huh? Can someone please elaborate on the sequence capturing some?  I  
> am on this list and I didn't know about it!
> To be honest I had stopped using CM for this exact reason!  And I  
> had just kept reading the emails to see what developed...  Glad I  
> kept up!
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Hayahiko Moro  
> <moroflight at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> > I'm happy to announce the availability of Grace 1.0.2, [..]
> The new Common Music is quite elegant.  I've been looking forward to
> the sequence capturing functionality, as it should obviate my use of a
> commercial MIDI sequencer to capture and prepare data for CM.
> Thank you so much for your exceptional work.
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