[CM] music5?

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky znmeb at cesmail.net
Sat Apr 26 15:08:03 PDT 2008

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
>> I've added music5.f to the Snd tarball and CVS site.  It's the
>> version of music 5 we had here at Stanford in the late 60's,
>> typed in laboriously by yours truly from faded and yellowing
>> XGP output.  The "I" and "1" characters (which make up 50%
>> of the total) are nearly indistinguishable in this output, so
>> my eyes are blurry, my hands are palsied, my shoulders
>> hurt.  I need a beer.  Anyway, I would love to get this working,
>> but I can't remember much Fortran, and gfortran doesn't
>> like the dialect used in music5.f ("obsolete arithmetic IF" etc).
>> If anyone is interested, I'd be more than happy to run back
>> to the sources to check up on typos and so on.
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> Well ... I started my career doing Fortran II and assembler programming 
> on the IBM 7094, which is where Max Matthews started the "Music" series. 
> What dialect is it -- Fortran II, Fortran IV or Fortran 66? What did you 
> run it on at Stanford, a PDP-6/10/Decsystem 10/20?
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P.S.: There's machine-level emulation available for a lot of systems, if 
you have the compilers, etc. Check out http://simh.trailing-edge.com/

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