[CM] grace beta for win32

taube at uiuc.edu taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Apr 23 12:59:19 PDT 2008

arrg im sorry the examples are in a bit of a mess!! this is a copy paste bug. i pasted stuff and then fogot to clean it up -- cm3 doesnt have objects so you want to do this:

define process piano-phase (stop, keys, rate)
  run with pat = make-cycle(keys)
    until elapsed() >= stop
    send "mp:midi", key: key(next(pat)), dur: rate
    wait rate

 with trope = {e4 fs4 b4 cs5 d5 fs4 e4 cs5 b4 fs4 d5 cs5} ,
       nsecs = 20
 sprout list( piano-phase(nsecs, trope, .167),
              piano-phase(nsecs, trope, .17))

ill try to get examples proofed in the next week or so while the midifile stuff gets finished. if anyone has nice examples please send

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 14:27:18 -0500
>From: "Fitzpatrick, Denis F" <fitzpatrickd at boystown.org>  
>Subject: RE: [CM] grace beta  for win32  
>To: <taube at uiuc.edu>
>with the Grace-cm3-beta-win32.zip  binary, after executing the following two
>code blocks from sprout.sal:
>define process piano-phase (stop, keys, rate)
>  run 
>    with pat = make(<cycle> , of: keys)
>    until now() >= stop
>    output make(<midi>, time: now(), keynum: next(pat), duration: rate)
>    wait rate
>  end
>  with trope = {e4 fs4 b4 cs5 d5 fs4 e4 cs5 b4 fs4 d5 cs5} ,
>       nsecs = 20
>  sprout list( piano-phase(nsecs, trope, .167),
>               piano-phase(nsecs, trope, .17))
>I get the following error message in the console:
>>>> Error: unbound variable: cycl
>This is what I get when I expand piano-phase:
>  (print-message "Process: piano-phase (stop, keys, rate)
>  (define (piano-phase stop keys rate)
>    (let* ((pat (make cycl of: keys)))
>      (lambda (time32)
>        (let* ((wait33 0)
>               (elapsed (lambda () time32))
>               (wait (lambda (wait34) (set! wait33 wait34))))
>          (call-with-current-continuation
>            (lambda (abort36)
>              (with-exception-handler
>                (lambda (error35)
>                  (print-error-message
>                    error35
>                    (current-error-port)
>                    ">>> Error (run)")
>                  (abort36 -2))
>                (lambda ()
>                  (cond ((>= (now) stop) #f -1)
>                        (else
>                         (sal:output
>                           (make mid
>                                 time:
>                                 (now)
>                                 keynum:
>                                 (next pat)
>                                 duration:
>                                 rate))
>                         (wait rate)
>                         wait33)))))))))))
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cmdist-bounces at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
>[mailto:cmdist-bounces at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] On Behalf Of taube at uiuc.edu
>Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:37 PM
>To: Uğur Güney
>Cc: commonmusic-Mailing-List List
>Subject: [CM] grace beta for win32
>># Hi Dear Taube,
>># Can you provide a binary for Windows with a Csound port? If it will
>>take your time then I can wait until the final release, no problem. I
>>just wonder if it is easy for you.
>># Have a nice day!
>>-ugur guney-
>ive added a win32 binary of grace with cm3:
>this app doesnt have the csound port, ill try building with csound
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