[CM] updated betas, win32 with csound port

taube at uiuc.edu taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Apr 26 08:04:41 PDT 2008

ive updated the beta binaries of grace+cm3 with a number of bug fixes and added a win32 binary built with a csound port.

grace OSX/universal:

grace+csound OSX/x86/leopard:

grace WIN32:

grace+csound WIN32:

to use the csound versions you have to install csound5. on win32 the app was linked against c:/program files/csound/bin/csound64.dll.5.1 so you may need this exact path on your machine for it to work (sorry, i dont know much about dll linking on windows yet...)

the csound port seems to be working but i dont hear any sound on my machine -- im not sure if its a problem or if im just not initing csound playback correctly for my hardware setup. ive tried a number of things without any luck, it would be nice to know if anyone can make sound -- start with the csound example from the Help>Examples> menu


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