[CM] *clm-search-list* and relaitve pathnames

Achim Bornhoeft achim.bornhoeft at web.de
Fri Sep 28 15:23:58 PDT 2007

I am running CLM in CM 2.10.0 Powerbook G4, OS 10.4.8.

My *clm-search-list* returns:
("" "/Users/born/clm/snd/1-4.wav" "/Users/born/clm/ins/samples.ins")

But when I try to call a soundfile without the whole path like "1-4.wav"
(for instance in a with-sound call) the listener hangs without an error 
message and can't be interrupted. Is this feature working only in 
combination with open-input* ? If yes, is there any chance to make it 
work with pathname strings as well?

And another question:
Is there any possibility to use relative pathnames in CLM (OpenMCL) ?

Many thanks for your help,

        Achim Bornhoeft
.-     Neckarhalde 38, D-72070 Tuebingen
-.-.   tel/fax +49 (0)7071 942745
-...   mobil +49 (0)179 6936930

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